2012-11-02 10:32:00 Virtualni razgovor sa Selenom Gomez Novinarka Gabrijela Janjić (6.b) odradila je drugi intervju s poznatom osobom na engleskom jeziku za rubriku školskog lista "Razgovarali smo". Putem Facebooka upoznala je američku pjevačicu i glumicu Selenu Gomez. Postala je slavna zahvaljujući ulozi Alex Russo u Emmyjem nagrađenoj Disneyevoj seriji "Čarobnjaci iz Waverlyja". Glumila je u filmovima "Još jedna priča o pepeljuzi", "Monte Karlo", "Program zaštite za princeze" gdje je glumila s Demi Lovato. Selena je također pjevačica u bendu "Selena Gomez & The Scene" kojeg je i osnovala. Do sada je s bendom izdala tri albuma: Kiss & Tell kojeg je izdala 2009., dok je drugi A Year Without Rain izašao godinu dana kasnije 2010., a treći album pod nazivom When The Sun Goes Down izdala je 2011. godine. 1. When did you start with acting and signing? I started acting in 2002. In the Barney & Friends. 2. What is your inspiration for your songs? I get the inspiration from you guys and from the life..it's complex..hard to tell...lol:D 3. What do you like more? Singing or acting? OMG!! It's so hard question!! But it's a good question..hmm.. I can't answer, sorry 4. Who is your inspiration and your idol? I think my idol is my mommy and Maite Perroni. 5. Do you read books? Yeah! Of course. 6. What is the most important to you? The most important for me are my family and my fans and Justin. <3 7. What is your favourite book? My favourite ? I read all books and I like all. 8. Who is your favorite singer, actor and actress? My favorite singer is Christina Aguliera, my favorite actor is Johnny Depp and actress is Jennifer Aniston. 9. What is your favorite movie and book? My favorite movie is Jack & Jill. 10. Do you love any sports? Yes! I love basketball and i love football too :) 11. Do you want to come in Croatia? Yep!! I want to come everywhere. 12. What is your first song? My first song is Everything Is Not What It Seems. 13. What is your first movie? My first movie is Spy Kids: Game Over in 2003. 14. What is your favorite song? My favorite song is hmm..now..Skyfall from Adele. 15. What is your message to the people in the world? I said to the people that live their lives happily and still only positive things to take into consideration. :)
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